Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Stop and Consider

You know that I like to put things in here that I read and it hit home. This one hits home for me and is something I need to dwell on every day.


Before you choose to become angry, consider that your anger is not likely to achieve anything. Remind yourself that there is a more positive and productive response available to you.

Before you allow an unexpected distraction to throw you off course, consider that you do have another choice. You can choose to move quickly beyond the distraction, and to stay focused on your original task.

When you're tempted to feel resentful or sorry for yourself, stop and consider that such feelings will only intensify your difficulties. Choose instead to feel gratitude and to experience the real empowerment it can bring.

If you just don't feel like making the effort, stop and reconsider. Make the most of each opportunity to create value before that opportunity slips away.

When it seems that nothing is going your way, consider that in every defeat there are the seeds of triumph. Choose to find the positive aspects and to build on them.Before you give your time, energy and effort to negativity, stop and thoughtfully consider the implications of what you're about to do. Give yourself the chance to choose a more positive and enriching path.

-- Ralph Marston

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


This is from one of the other church's bulletins on island:


A homeless woman in Dallas used to pan-handle on the overpass of Lemon and the North-Central Expressway. She'd hold up her make-shift sign, smiling and waving at passing cars. She usually looked - believe it or not - happy. Sometimes her hair would be in pigtails, and occasionally she'd wear a clever hat or t-shirt. She'd always be smiling - her toothless smile. She'd wave her incredibly skinny arms with an even playful flair at times.
But those who were from our neighborhood knew the rest of the story. We saw her in the drug-store, worn and weary from spending her entire day on the bridge. We saw her becoming increasingly gaunt and skeleton-like. We saw her digging for leftovers behind restaurants. And we all knew where she lived - among the headstones and sepulchers in the cemetery along Lemon Ave.
Many from our neighborhood would bring her coffee on their way to work, or a sandwich on their lunch break. I even once saw a motorist hand her a coat one cold evening. But for all the kindnesses, smiles, waves, and good will, she would leave the bridge to return to her makeshift home among the decay and emptiness that defined the cemetery and her life. The month before we left Dallas for Hawaii, the news was spread through the neighborhood - she died that winter.
What that woman did each day, putting on a brave smile for passersby, is really no different from what most of humanity does. Living lives with no hope, no real home, no purpose, and no promise, the world often puts on a brave smile - smiling when there's no real reason to smile. Happy for a fleeting moment, we have taken the gifts that the world offers, always knowing that emptiness, sorrow, and hopelessness was our lot in life - that when it's all said and done, the cemetery is our home.
But because of the body and the blood broken for us, we lean that the cemetery is not our eternal home. We're not asked to pretend to be happy, knowing that our lives are destined for the grave. Rather we are given the opportunity to know real joy. We endure through tragedy and heartache not because we've learned to pretend our way to happiness - but because we've real hope. The cemetery is not our home - there's a place on the other side that Christ has prepared for us. And by His sacrifice and resurrection, we have the hope and assurance of enjoying that home forever.
Written by: Scott Self

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

MRI results are in

Sorry for the delay in posting has been quite hectic here.

The MRI shows that I have an arachnoid cyst on the right side of my brain. An arachnoid cyst is a cyst that is filled with spinal fluid. Where it is located is close to the nerves that would affect my face and my hearing. So, unless I start showing symptoms that the cyst has enlarged there is nothing to be done. I am to follow up at the doctor in six months for another MRI.

This cyst would not affect my headaches so I was told to go back to my family practice doc and continue pursuing this further.

I am relieved! Thanks everyone for your concern and love for me.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

MRI results

Tomorrow I go in for my MRI results. I am going in knowing that there can't be anything wrong or I would have heard from them by now. So, this is just to close off this chapter in my life. After I get the all clear for this I need to go to the doctor and see about getting relief for what I think is arthritis. I have been having very bad pain in my right arm. Not shooting pains as in heart attack kind but just when I go to use the arm.

I feel horrendous as a person who was treated very nicely and did not reciprocate that niceness. So, this is my public apology to those of you who sent cards....people I did n't even know who cared enough to brighten my day. And I must say that you really did brighten my day. I bought thank you cards to send. Carried them back and forth in my car for two weeks and then lost them. Cards, addresses and the whole nine yards. Please forgive me for being such a horrible person and not responding! It truly did touch me to get them.

As for posting on here, I am not big on it and don't imagine it will get much better. But, things are going well and rolling right along. Many things in my mind and on my heart that I can't and won't write out...would make it too much of a reality.

Please keep in mind a couple from our church who are in the beginnings of a divorce. I am so saddended by it but it does make me appreciate what I have and hopefully I will learn from this to never take Joe for granted and to let him know that I appreciate him. So easy to do and how sad is it that we don't do it?

Okay, enough said. I will write tomorrow to give the all clear.