Tuesday, February 13, 2007

MRI results

Tomorrow I go in for my MRI results. I am going in knowing that there can't be anything wrong or I would have heard from them by now. So, this is just to close off this chapter in my life. After I get the all clear for this I need to go to the doctor and see about getting relief for what I think is arthritis. I have been having very bad pain in my right arm. Not shooting pains as in heart attack kind but just when I go to use the arm.

I feel horrendous as a person who was treated very nicely and did not reciprocate that niceness. So, this is my public apology to those of you who sent cards....people I did n't even know who cared enough to brighten my day. And I must say that you really did brighten my day. I bought thank you cards to send. Carried them back and forth in my car for two weeks and then lost them. Cards, addresses and the whole nine yards. Please forgive me for being such a horrible person and not responding! It truly did touch me to get them.

As for posting on here, I am not big on it and don't imagine it will get much better. But, things are going well and rolling right along. Many things in my mind and on my heart that I can't and won't write out...would make it too much of a reality.

Please keep in mind a couple from our church who are in the beginnings of a divorce. I am so saddended by it but it does make me appreciate what I have and hopefully I will learn from this to never take Joe for granted and to let him know that I appreciate him. So easy to do and how sad is it that we don't do it?

Okay, enough said. I will write tomorrow to give the all clear.


Jackie said...

Sorry you don't like to blog. I SO love reading your stuff. But that's cool - I still love you!
can't wait to hear the results!

Jackie said...

ok . . .what's what, chick?