Tuesday, October 02, 2007

8 and a wu

We are down to the single digits now. Tomorrow, the movers come and pack up the house. Soon, we will check into the Hale Koa for two blissful nights of calmness. It has been hectic and taken some to get things accomplished but for the most part all is almost complete.

I am very much looking forward to seeing Justin, Lisa, Jaci and the kids...yes Jackie you too!! We aren't sure yet how much time we get to spend in each place since the van got out a week behind schedule. In the best of looks, we will be running one day late. In the worst, it could be 3 days. Let's keep the positve vibes going and look at only the one. I am supposed to get to work very soon after we get there and I want to be able to somewhat stay on schedule.

Our family pictures came out very nicely. I was pleased. When I see everyone, I will dispense the pictures.

I know this blog doesn't sound like I am very excited but I really am. We have been running all day long and right now I am sitting in my office at church at 6:27 PM waiting for another hour before we need to go to Hickam to show the Land Rover to a guy who I pray wants to buy it. That is our last hurdle. I did not want to drive home to have to turn back around and come back out. Probably a good thing or I would not have gone with Joe tonight.

Geni, is out of the house and on her own. I miss her dearly already and we haven't even left yet. Last night we had dinner with her and will spend more time with her as we can before we leave. She called me today to let me know that the place she is subbing at asked her to stay on another week. That is good. I pray things continue to go well for her.

Well, that is all for now. I will try to write more before we pack up my computer and ship it off to Justin.

8 and a wu......

1 comment:

Jaci said...

WOO-HOO!!!! Cant wait to see you guys either!! Atleast that last hurdle is out (you guys sold the land rover). The packers came today, which reminds I need to call you. Talk to you in a few mins. love ya