Friday, April 20, 2007

Getting ready for company

I have this afternoon off. I am cleaning my house in preparation for next week. On Monday Joe's cousin Vicki is coming to stay with us until Saturday afternoon. Vicki lives in Reno and we have not gotten to see her in a long time. Well, I have not gotten to see her in a long time. I think that the last time Joe, Jaci and Geni got to see her James was 6 months old and Vicki has never seen Julie. So, this will be a wonderful visit.

On Thursday my sister arrives. I am very excited to be able to have her out here for almost two whole weeks. We will spend lots of time together and catch up (as if we don't talk every day or almost every day on the phone). She's very special to me can you tell??? I can't wait! I of course have more plans than time so will have to change some of them. We are getting pedicure's....Jackie she will be like you....ticklish feet....I hope she enjoys it as much as you did though. (VBG) She loves to sing in church so, there is an island wide song fest and we will be sure to go to that. The best thing is that she is happy to just hang we don't need to do anything. It will just be good time together. I can't wait for her to meet James and Julie. She has not seen them other than pictures yet.

Oh, by the way...I saw the homeless man on my way in to work today. He looked better, clean white t-shirt, same pants and shoes but they looked like they might have had a trip in the washer. He looked happy. I hope so.

Got to run! Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The wind rushing through the trees

Most who know me know that I am wanting to move. I love it here but long to be closer to my sister and have the ability to travel cheaply if I so desire. Anyway, today I was walking back to my office from the bathroom and the wind was rushing through the trees. It sounded so cool and so relaxing. It is funny how the beauty of life around us passes us by most of the time. We take for granted the rush of the wind, the warmth of the sun, the sound of the ocean, the majesty of the mountains and all the other things that we don't see each day as we rush to obtain everything we can from each day. I am so thankful that God sees fit to remind us once in a while and let us see and hear things with a new attitude.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

those who are the least of us...

Once a month, I get a craving for cinnamon that I just can't quench. I saw an ad for McDonald's that they have cinnamon melts or something like that name...anyway, I drove over there on my way to work this morning. The drive through was crowded so I figured it would be faster for me to go inside. I got in the line and as I was moving forward a homeless man cut in front of me. My first reaction was fear to confront him so I didn't. As he waited his turn in line he kept counting his money and pulling on his shirt as if to make him look better. He had a tank top on that once was white and cream colored pants...they were very wet on the bottom because of the rain. Slippers on his feet. As he got to the counter to order the girl taking the order glared at him and with barely noticing him took the order and moved to fill his order to get him out of the store. While he waited on his order to be filled he went over to the drink area and grabbed some napkins to clean his feet. The manager was up in arms and the looks being thrown to him were horrible. (Not that I am validating him cleaning his feet at the drink counter) When his order was ready, he went up to the counter and very politely said "thank you very much ma'am." This elicited no response from the cashier. She just wanted him out of the store. I felt horrible for this man. Who knows what plight in life brought him down to the depth that he was in. Why are we all (myself included) so quick to judge. I kept thinking of the story that goes around on the internet about the man with the dirty shoes who goes into church and is treated so badly because his shoes are dirty....I work here with the food pantry. I must say that I see the system taken advantage of and often we are asked for other things to help people with. We do what we can.

About two weeks ago, a young homeless girl came in with her three children. Ages 1, 2 and 3. She was a victim of spousal abuse and was waiting on the housing list for something to come available. When she came into my office, I talked to her a little and she reminded me of my daughter Jaci. (Not that Jarred would ever hit her or put her out on the street, I am blessed and relieved to know that he will always take care of her). Just the youngness of her, the three little ones and not sure what to do about the tire that had the metal coming out of it since that was their home right now. The church replaced the tires and I went shopping. I picked up a lot of food for her and the kids. I probably will never see her again but it gave me a wonderful feeling to know that she was for one day able to relax and not worry about if they would have food to eat or if the wheel would hold out for her. I pray for her. That she will get housing and begin to make a new life for her and her children.

Well, not sure why I had to say all that or if I even drew any conclusions but, it was weighing on me and just had to be said.

But many who are the greatest now will be least important then, and those who seem least important now will be the greatest then.Matthew 19:29-30

One last happier note: In 9 more days my sister will be out here to meet Jarred and Jaci's babies. I can't wait for her to meet them. Most of all, I can't wait to spend time with her. Our phone conversations just don't cut it. Also, on Monday Joe's cousin Vicki will be here. She took care of Justin and I when Justin was born and Joe was deployed. We stayed with her for about the first 5 months of Justin's life. She is a wonderful person and another one whose has not gotten to meet my sister. I can't wait for them to meet.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Attention to details...

I have this route that I run. It is a simple job and anyone can do it. Lately, I can't seem to focus and apply the attention to details that I need to keep the job less stressful. I got a call at 4:30 this morning that one of the stops I pick up from was missing from my box. Well, I am not awake but I told the guy that I would go down and check the area that I put the box together down there...low and behold, there they are. Now, I am mad at myself. I allowed myself last night when putting the box together to get sidetracked. An excuse...I don't like to give excuses when it comes down to it, I dropped the ball. Period. So today and tomorrow, Jaci is running my route which means she is under even more pressure to be sure that everything is correct. Twice this week I have made silly mistakes. If only there was a way for me to put everything else out of my head but what I need to take care of in the present time. Arghhhh. Still mad at myself.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Jackie made me start thinking about memories. You know, losing my mom at such a young age I don't have that many of her. Maybe that is why I try so hard with my kids to have a good relationship with them. I want them to always be able to call on their mom for things and know that I will be there for them. I lost my mother when I was in the 4th grade. A long time ago I know. Really when you think about how many memories of my mother could I have? She was very active at our school that we went to. I remember taking the nuns to a restaurant called "The Horn of Plenty", do I remember the food or conversation during the lunch? Absolutely not. I remember when we had McDonalds once a month. My mother always seem to come out into the hallway where I was waiting in line....not supposed to be talking but was. A gentle kick in the behind let me know that she saw me and what I was doing. I remember walking to church on Sunday mornings...she had asthma so the walks were breathless but she took us. I remember finding out my favorite song when she bought it for me and told me it was my favorite. Don't even remember the name but I remember her telling me this is your favorite song. How funny... Funny thing is, I don't remember many holidays with her. I remember Easter with my father because my uncle worked at Betsy Ann Candies and we had the best ever candy...I remember my dad setting up the platform every year for Christmas but I don't remember mom being in the holidays. Just goes to show that we must pick and choose our memories. I know she was there and I probably deep down have them. One day something might happen that will jog my memory but at this time, she is only there in my heart for the holidays. I can tell you that not a holiday or day for that matter goes by that she isn't thought about and loved.

Well, guess I rambled enough. Sorry.