Saturday, July 21, 2007


I have been thinking a lot about issues in our lives. I wonder, are they really issues or are they issues because I made them an issue. I am not even sure anyone can follow this line of thinking but, it seems to me that I make things issues. Like my sadness over the J's leaving. I should be happy that they are beginning their own journey. I am kind of...but, it is an issue for me to hang make much out of nothing really. Am I going to miss them? Of course, but it isn't as if I am the only person in the world that doesn't have her entire family with her....another example....

Joe and I went to breakfast this morning. We were talking about things and I said that I often think back when I see families with younger children about us and our "younger" kids...back then if you would have told me that I would have so much turmoil so far into my life, I would have laughed you off the planet...did I have issues back then? yes and I thought they were so serious and the worst I would ever experience but, our lives have a way of waiting until you feel at peace...waiting until your guard is down and whamo something hits. I make them more than they are? I think I do. How can I lesson this for me? Anyone have any ideas???

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Public apology. To those I have hurt by trying to make things better. I apologize. My mouth is shut my door is open.


Wednesday, July 11, 2007


I did not write the blog that follows but, thought that it was a good and appropriate blog at this time in my (our) lives. My thanks to the Bill who wrote this and although I don't have a last name I did get it off of a church of Christ web page.

A Place For Pain

In a world of such pain, suffering, and sorrow, can the idea of a kind and loving God who created this world and watches over it possibly be true? Sick children - terrorist bombings - terrible accidents - grinding poverty making many people cry out: “Where is God?” “Is God in control?” “Is God just cruel?”

In a world supposedly created by a God of Love, is there a place for all this suffering and misery and pain?

Let'’s think about it...First, what purpose does pain serve in our bodies? What is the message from a stubbed toe, a burnt finger, a migraine headache, or sharp chest pains? “SOMETHING IS WRONG! DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS IMMEDIATELY!” This is the message that pain carries in our human bodies.

But what about pain in our human lives and relationships? Mental and spiritual pain carries EXACTLY the same message! Something’s wrong! DO something! And the more harmful the situation, the more extreme the pain. Without pain, we would not know to avoid the things that harm us and we would all be quickly overcome!

Second, why is there pain in a world created by an all-powerful and loving God? When did pain enter His creation? When sin came into the world, God was forced to withdraw from His creation. Upon Eve, God said: "I will multiply your pain!". Upon Adam, God said, "By the sweat of your face you will eat bread!". Pain sends the message: SOMETHING IS WRONG! Pain is in this world because mankind has been separated from God by his sin. The farther we separate ourselves from God with the sin in our lives, the more painful our lives become! Pain does not bring doubt of God’'s Word! The pain in this world CONFIRMS God’'s Word that we are lost in sin and separated from our Creator. The pain of loneliness, frustration, emptiness, heartbreak and anger demands: “Something is wrong! Fix it!”

But how does the world try to cure this pain? Drugs. Sex. Alcohol. Money. False security. Empty success. Fake smiles. Fading relationships. Vain boasts. Endless chatter.

The only thing these things can do is separate you further from God and INCREASE the pain! What is the true cure for the pain & misery in this world? 1. The world is in pain because it is separated from God. 2. God is Love. 3. Only Love can bring God back into our world. 4. Selfless Love is the ONLY cure for the pain in our lives and hearts.

As a Christian, the place for ALL the pain in our lives in in God’'s hands, given to Him in faith, knowing He will guide us back to peace and joy. Then, as a Christian, WE ARE TO BECOME GOD’'S HANDS to the lost of this world, reaching out in peace, gentleness, and Love to all that are in pain. We are to restore Love to a world separated from the God of Love. We care and have compassion for others so God might heal the broken and abused with His touch that comes from our hands, the children of God's Love Put all your pain in God’'s hands in faith that He will show you how to correct the problems that are causing your pain. Then reach out in love and become God’'s hands to the weary and suffering of this world to ease their pain and loneliness. Touch someone's pain with the same selfless Grace that God touched your pain with. All pain is the result of being separated from God. Only God's touch can truly ease our pain. -Bill

My notes: since we all know how much pain can put stress into our day to day lives, the pain of relationships not being what they should be, may I urge anyone who reads this to review your relationships and reach out as God would reach out to us and fix those relationships. Don't wait do it today rather than later. You never know when the good Lord will call us home. As one who waited to try to mend relationships, but never got the opportunity, please work on those relationships!