Monday, August 18, 2008

Oh so Colorado

Got home from Colorado yesterday. I could have stayed forever. I love the time I get to spend with those I love. I wish I could bottle it up and save it for the lower times. But, at least I do have the memories. That helps some.
Thank you Jarred and Jaci for putting up with us. Doing what we wanted and letting us totally mess up the kids schedules so that we could get all the time with them that it would allow. We had a wonderful time and have many wonderful memories.

We also got to see Geni and her new place. She has a nice apartment and having lots of fun setting it up. She got written up because they told her at the last minute that she was to work Saturday. She told them no, she would not work and they wrote her up for it. Boy, one day....but thanks Geni for the time. It was great!!!

Short blog but I have to get ready for work. I got home last night and I think by 6pm I was already sound asleep. So, have a suitcase to unpack and see what I can find to wear to work....

Again thanks for the memories. The kids are beautiful and get more adorable each time I see them.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008


Last month we went to a family reunion up in Pittsburgh. Since then, it has made me do a lot of thinking on why people do destructive things to themselves and those that they care about. So, bear with me while I rant...

If you want to make changes in your life, why do you fall back on the things that you were doing before you decieded you wanted to make changes in your life? Why fall back to the things that easiest or make life easiest for you? Isn't life all about a challenge? If it is, what does that say about the choices that you are making now in your life? I am not talking about past choices but the now choices....make those decisions and live your life as if each day is a new blessing and make the most of it. But, if you can't don't lie and ask others to lie for you. It hurts too much to think about that. I just want to see your life moving in a positive direction not falling backward again. Because I love you.