Sunday, March 29, 2009

Love is a choice....

Been thinking alot about that saying these days. I believe that everyday, we have the choice to love someone or not....of course not loving them goes against what God would have us do but it still is our choice....I think this is where so many marriages fail. We daily have to commit ourselves to the choice of loving our spouse. Some days are easier than others. Some days we downright can't stand them but to honor our choice that we made to God and others, we have to choose to love them anyway. I think it is like that in general for us also. Some people just tend to rub us the wrong way....we have to daily make that choice that we will love them as we are commanded in the Bible. Some days will be harder and some easier but it is a daily commitment that we have to make to love that person.

I am sure all this sounds like a jumble to you but to me, it is something that I have to put down. Something I can read over and over again when some days it is just really hard to love_______ whomevers name needs to be in that blank for me on that given day.

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